Giulia Ciampini Photography

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What if it rains?

Please don’t stress about the weather. I want your session to be as beautiful as possible and if it looks like it will rain hard or thunderstorm on the day of your session, we can reschedule without a problem. You actually have a few options!

  1. GAME TIME APPROACH: If it looks like a small chance of rain or light rain, we can decide in the morning of your session if we will proceed with the session that afternoon/evening. If conditions are poor, we will reschedule. If they look like they will go in our favor, we will shoot! We’d usually check in by 10 am to confirm - please be proactive. I always keep an eye on the weather network prior to every single session but I also suggest you do the same. Please send me an email/text if you are concerned. Two heads are better than one and we are in this together. :)

  2. A MORE CAUTIOUS APPROACH: If it looks like there is a big chance of rain or heavy rain and thunderstorms, let’s postpone the session before the session day. The more notice we can give each other the better so if it looks like horrible conditions, please be extra proactive and get in touch a day or two prior to your session. I set aside a few rainy day backups each season for sessions that are postponed due to rain. If you are more cautious (or it’s a particularly rainy season) you can even schedule a rainy day back up when you book. That way, if it does happen to rain on the day of your shoot you are already set for an alternative shoot date.